It hasn't even been a week yet since Anthony went back to Rochester, yet it feels like an eternity. I miss him so damn much. I did fine the first few days, then all of a sudden it just got tough and I really am struggling. He's been pretty busy lately getting settled in and starting classes. I feel like I've forgotten how to be a long distance girlfriend. I've been backing off lately on texting him and waiting for him to text me first because he is so busy and overwhelmed. He took it out on me the other night and got kinda annoyed at me when I did nothing wrong! I am so confused. I guess it's just the settling in process. It gets easier, right? He won't be pissy forever, right? It hurts not knowing when I get to see him next. I want to visit in early October, but I won't mention anything until a few weeks from now because I know he doesn't need any more stress right now. I start school today so I'll be keeping busier than I have been. I just need reassurance. We've done this before successfully, but I don't know how. I feel like he doesn't miss me. Maybe it's just because he's so caught up in everything up there? Am I doing okay so far? It won't be so bad forever, right? D: