Okay, whining time! Why is time slowing down? It needs to go faster, faster! It can slow down when he gets here. That being said, 24 more days until he comes home. It was going pretty quickly for awhile, but now I feel like time is dragging. I am keeping busy with homework, classes and friends. Today was a pretty blah weather day, and tonight is a yucky, cold, rainy night: perfect cuddle weather. But NO! I can't cuddle with him! Because he's too freaking far away! >.< I'm sick of seeing people in CDR's talking about cuddling and doing fun things with their SO's. I am so jealous. WE HAD THAT. But it got yanked out from underneath us. In a way, I almost wish we didn't close the distance when we did, because it only makes me miss him more and makes me realize all that we had. Now, we have what, texting? Maybe Skype? Phone calls? It's not the same and I miss him so much. I need him. He did do something sweet today. He sent me a text this morning. I was still asleep, and that text woke me up. When I am woken up before I am ready to, I get as angry as a hibernating bear. After raging at the fact that someone had the nerve to wake me up, I looked at the phone and Anthony's name showed up. I smiled really big and read the message. It was a good morning text! "Good morning sweetie!" He rarely sends them, so that was so nice to wake up to. It made my day.