For those of you who haven't heard, Hurricane Sandy is making its way up the northeast coast of the United States. I live on Long Island, a small little island off the coast of the mainland of New York state. We are in the direct path of the hurricane. I have only had to deal with one other hurricane in my whole life, Hurricane Irene last year which hit on my 19th birthday. My family and all of our neighbors are preparing ourselves and bracing ourselves for this monster of a storm, which is being dubbed 'Frankenstorm', because of its potential clash with a Nor'easter. We bought a ton of non-perishables, chained down our barbecue grill, and tarped our patio furniture. My family is calling me nuts for preparing to evacuate. I am packing an emergency bag in case we have to leave, so I don't waste time packing during it. I am a big baby when it comes to storms so I am scared out of my mind. I want Anthony here! I wish I could go up there to avoid the storm, but my mom wants me to stay with the family. If our power goes out, my phone may end up dying before it comes back on. I do have a USB charger so I can charge in my car if need be. But, I hate that I won't be able to talk to Anthony that much. Not only because I want to talk to him, but also because I know he'll be worried about me and he wants to know that I am okay. *sigh* If you guys don't see me for a few days, you know why.