Good news all around! Life is good. I really feel like things are looking up right now. =]

We survived the storm with no damage to our house, thank god. Our neighbors had a tree fall on their fence, but other than that, it was minimal in our neighborhood. I feel very lucky and grateful that we had no damage. Several towns got destroyed. The town of Long Beach was under 6 feet of water, and the city was destroyed. Everyone was forced to leave and are now homeless. Breezy Point in Queens got hit hard too and then a devastating fire roared through. The inferno destroyed 111 homes. Staten Island is also a mess. We lost power for 10 days. Yes, 10 DAYS! We got it back yesterday and I could not be happier. I won't take heat, electricity or hot water for granted anymore. Yesterday, we had a nasty nor'easter blow through here. We got hit with 5 inches of snow! First a hurricane, then This weekend, it will be in the 60's! :O Mother nature, please make up your mind lol.

My relationship: We found out when he is coming home. He will be home in exactly 1 WEEK from today!!! I am soooo excited! It'll be 73 days since we last saw each other. I can't wait. The time is going so quickly now and I am so looking forward to seeing him, spending a week with him and celebrating Thanksgiving with him. <3 This time together is much deserved and much needed. I am so happy right now!

I can't think of what else to talk about lol. I wanted to inform you guys that I am okay and that the storm didn't devastate us. Also, I wanted to let you know the news about Anthony! Hope you're all doing well. =]