DISCLAIMER: This is going to be a whiny post.

I'm just like asdfghjkl right now. Yesterday around 4:30pm, I called Anthony. Things seemed fine, but we only got to talk for like 2 minutes. He asked if he could call me back in a little while. I said "Sure". So, I go to my class at 5:30, still heard nothing. My class was 3 hours long. Nothing. I go to bed at 11, send him a message just kind of telling him that he didn't text me and I was tired, so I'd stayed up a few extra hours waiting for him to call and how I missed the days when we were younger and used to talk on the phone a lot. (Prior to us dating). I could barely sleep because my mind was just racing. Lately, I've been working on not overthinking things and I've been doing well. But last night, I overthought this totally and created insanely unlikely and horrible scenarios in my head. I woke up at 3:30am and I was having an anxiety attack. I haven't had one since January 2012. I texted him in the morning when I woke up at like 9 apologizing for last night. Never heard back from him. Now I am in a panic. So, I was in class a little while ago and I Facebook messaged him asking him if he was mad at me. He replied that he was in class. He was like "I have a lab that's due soon so I need to get it done but we'll talk more about this later." I am fine with that. He just got out of class a little while ago. He's probably eating dinner or something. I'm just worried. I don't know what's going on. He's probably just busy but of course I am thinking the worst. I'm like "he's going to break up with me", "that's so ridiculous Jen, he loves you", "ugh he hates me". It's a constant battle within my head. I'm so scared to lose him. D: