I think our summer plans are starting to fall into place. I feel horrible for my SO because he has really been struggling to find a co-op for the summer. He's interviewed with so many companies, but nothing. It's really really affecting him. I can tell he is so discouraged and it's really making him feel upset. I think that may be one of the reasons he's been kinda quiet lately. His ego is severely bruised and he really doesn't want to go back to working as a cashier at IKEA this summer. He wants to start working in his field and making money to provide for us and to set up our future. I understand that. It looks like he will be here for the entire summer then, so we'll be temporarily closing the distance again. Once again, it's bittersweet. Of course I am so happy that we will be together for three months, including our 3 year anniversary, but I know he really wants this co-op and needs it to graduate. I really wish I could be there for him during this rough time. It's so hard being long distance when one partner is struggling. I just wish he knew that he is not letting me down and no matter what, I will always love him. He pulls away when he's upset and I know he's afraid to show that it is affecting him, but I know it is. I know him better than he knows himself. He feels like he's week if he shows that he is upset and it's depressing him, but he isn't. I just wish I could do something for him. I don't know what to do, it makes me sad to see him sad and not being able to do anything about it. I know just how hard the job market is right now. I've been trying to find a job since January with no luck whatsoever. But, I am not letting it get me down. I had gotten frustrated for awhile but I know something will come around. I may have to go back to my seasonal job at the beach (which I hate) but it's money and I am in dire need of something so I will have to suck it up and do what I have to do. Also, I GOT ACCEPTED INTO MY GRADUATE PROGRAM!!! I am only one of 25 to get in so I feel so lucky!! This has been my dream for the past 7 years, to get accepted into this program and to become an ultrasound technician. I feel so accomplished, and to get in on the first try, WOOOOOO! I start that in mid July and will be done in June of 2015.