A month from today, Anthony and I will be celebrating our 3 year anniversary! I know, I can't believe how quickly the time is going. Today, we've been together for 35 months....it sounds like a lifetime lol. Speaking of anniversaries, I think I may have finally figured out what to give him as a present. I am thinking of getting him a Swiss Army knife. He has one, but this one has a USB flash drive and I'd get it engraved and personalized so it'd be extra special. =] I really wonder what he'll get me. He always does an amazing job with gifts so I am sure I will love anything he gives or makes for me. We are planning on going out to my dad's house on August 16th...the evening before our anniversary. We may head down to the beach and bring dinner to have a little picnic on the beach and watch the sun set. Then, on our actual anniversary, we might be going on a kayak trip! We love kayaking! I think it will be amazing whatever we do because I will be celebrating the love that he and I have for each other. The sad news is that he is leaving to go back to school on August 18th. So, after our celebration comes the painful goodbye. I really don't want to go back to long distance for the 4th time. *sigh* There is a possibility he may graduate this coming May instead of next year, so keep your fingers crossed that in May we can close the distance for good. It's going to suck going back to long distance. I love having him right up the road from me. Things between us are going so amazing right now. I made an adjustment on my antidepressants so I am much happier now and he can tell. Also, he was going through some stuff emotionally lately, but he spent a weekend in Maine visiting family and he is like a brand new person. So much more like himself. He is super affectionate and just the sweetest. Anyway, I just felt like blogging. Hope all is well with everyone else!!