I had a major meltdown yesterday. I think part of it was caused because I was (still am) sick and really exhausted after work. To the story...

My SO is supposed to be moving in with me. But he needs to get this loan first. It's for his family, and blah blah. Complicated. Anyways... He can't quit his job until he has the loan money in his hand, or they might not give him the loan if he is jobless. So it's just this constant BS with the bank and the loan and everything.

Back at the beginning of December he was supposed to get the loan. Well every week since then, they said that he would get it the next week. This week he was (again) supposed to get the loan. When by yesterday he hadn't heard from the bank he called them up. The bank guy says that he "forgot" that these other people aren't back at work yet so that he can't get the loan until NEXT week.

I am not lying... this has been going on every SINGLE WEEK for over a month. And so yesterday I broke down while my SO and I were skyping. I was so mad and frustrated and irritated and sad... He felt so bad that I was upset and kept apologizing because he feels responsible. I have been trying so hard to be positive and support him because he's trying so hard to be with me, but I am FED UP with this stupid bank stuff!! Why the hell does it take so long for this to go through??

The other thing is that once he finally gets that stupid loan, he still has to work for another month before he can leave. *sigh* He was supposed to be with me by now...