Anyone else ever went through and re-read early emails or chats? Last night I read the very first email I got from my SO. Then I went through all our chats and emails from real early on.

There was one chat that really made me smile. Back then (and still now) my SO and I are big Paulo Coelho fans and we talked a lot about "The Alchemist". (If you haven't read it, I highly suggest it!!) I have a personal copy that I went through and high lighted all the important quotes for myself. Every time a road block comes into my life, I can go in there and find something that I can relate to.

I digress... there is a main theme in the book saying that "Cuando quieres alguna cosa, todo el Universo conspira para que la consigas". It basically means "When you want something, the entire universe will conspire so that you get it." At the very end of my time in Costa Rica I hit a very hard wall that was immigration. I won't get into the whole story, but basically I was sent home to the USA. I was extremely sad because I didn't get to say goodbye to anyone-- namely my SO (though we were just dating at the time)

I found a chat where I said: "I'm just so sad because I'll never see you again." He said "Don't say never. You'll see... the universe will conspire so that we see each other again."

And here we are... 2 years later... in a relationship... totally in love... and he's moving in in 3 weeks.