My SO will be moving in in 10 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! agghh!!

So we keep talking about it and I'm sooo excited for him to come! But, I'm having a hard time seeing everything from his point of view. This will be his first time away from home, out of his country, living by himself, everything. He keeps telling me "Oh I need to eat a lot of _____ because I'll never have it again" or "I need to do ______ before I leave" My thing is, he's only going to be here for 6 months! That's barely any time at all! To me, at least. I know I should understand why he's sort of freaking out, but I can't.

And it's also making me feel a whole lot of pressure because he's constantly telling me "I'm going to change my whole life for you." "Everything is going to be different." "My whole life is going to change." yeah.. for a COUPLE MONTHS. Then I'm going to his country to live with him for a few years. And I'm not even making a big deal out of that!

I know these ARE big changes for him, but it's making me feel like I have to live up to some expectation since he's "changing his life for me". From my point of view, it's so freaking temporary I don't know why it's such a big deal! I've been through the exact same changes with the exact same countries, just opposite. I know what CR has that the USA doesn't. It's not impossible to adapt. And he'll be here for LESS time than when I first went there.

I'm just sort of tired of hearing it. He'll say something about how his friends are all crying because he's leaving. I'll say "yeah... for SIX MONTHS. NOT FOREVER" ugghhh... I'm trying to be understanding, but it's hard.