1. Today was my SO's last day at work. I have no doubt that right now he's out partying with his friends. But we always talk on skype at night. I wish if he were going to be late, or not going to come at all that he would send me an email to let me know. He knows if he's going out. And I don't care that he does. Just let me know so I don't spend hours on hours waiting for you.

But I shouldn't be upset. We're closing the distance Monday. I should be counting my blessings instead of being pissy over something silly.

2. At work today I got an email saying report card pick up for kids is on Monday night from 5-6:30. I almost had a heart attack. My plan for Monday was to have all my stuff ready and when that bell rings I was going to walk out of the door right behind those kids and go get my SO. So when I saw this email I FREAKED out. I ran straight upstairs and told the principal that I can NOT stay on Monday and I don't care what he has to say because I have something I have to do that Monday. He stares at me for a second and then says "Did you read the email" I said yes I did. He says "Well on it it says teachers don't have to stay on Monday" oops! hahaha Well good, cuz you weren't gonna see Ms. Lucybelle after school on Monday!!!!

PS-I've also taken off Tuesday morning... to recoup...