SO comes tomorrow. For good. Moving in. AAAHHHHHHH.

I guess I'm trying to pass the time now... Well I do have a little more to do. But I'm not too freaked out about having everything super super clean. Reality is that my apartment won't be super super clean every day. No reason to make him think it will be. hehe

I'm sooooo so so sooooo excited to see him again! I think that emotion is over taking the crazy worries I have about living with a *gasp* boyfriend.

My friend spent the weekend with me. I was sort of not looking forward to her coming. I love the girl to death, but I thought for sure she would make fun of me for putting up a "welcome home" sign and just in general for my SO moving in. But she was totally awesome, talked to me about it, and even helped me decorate more! Maybe we're all just growing up now

So here I go...

Welcome Home Baby!!!!!