I love my SO. I truly do. And I shouldn't be complaining about this when I know how much it sucks to be apart. But he has got to give me some space. He's only been living with me for a week and he is constantly all over me. I understand the necessity for a high quantity of sex during a visit, but we LIVE together now. He's not leaving in a day. We have sex 3 times a day at least. And still whenever we drive places he's feeling me up, or kissing me... leave me alone! When I come home from work all he wants to do is kiss me which he wants to lead to other things. When I go to take a nap, it is never actually a nap. I want to sleep. I want to sit down and visit my LFAD family and mess around on facebook. I want some moments when I'm not putting out. I'm exhausted. I'm sore. and I'm tired of it.

*sigh* I'm hoping that this will start to die off in the next couple days. I mean it's not like I'm holding out on the guy. But really. Let me read a book. Let me watch the Daily Show. We haven't had a straight conversation since he's gotten here. I feel like all he wants is to screw me. I'm on the couch and he comes over to kiss me. But a peck won't do. Not even a kiss. He wants me to make out and if I stop he'll start kissing me neck.

leave. me. alone.!!!!!