I love my SO. I truly do. And I shouldn't be complaining about this when I know how much it sucks to be apart. But he has got to give me some space. He's only been living with me for a week and he is constantly all over me. I understand the necessity for a high quantity of sex during a visit, but we LIVE together now. He's not leaving in a day. We have sex 3 times a day at least. And still whenever we drive places he's feeling me up, or kissing me... leave me alone! When I come home from work all he wants to do is kiss me which he wants to lead to other things. When I go to take a nap, it is never actually a nap. I want to sleep. I want to sit down and visit my LFAD family and mess around on facebook. I want some moments when I'm not putting out. I'm exhausted. I'm sore. and I'm tired of it.
*sigh* I'm hoping that this will start to die off in the next couple days. I mean it's not like I'm holding out on the guy. But really. Let me read a book. Let me watch the Daily Show. We haven't had a straight conversation since he's gotten here. I feel like all he wants is to screw me. I'm on the couch and he comes over to kiss me. But a peck won't do. Not even a kiss. He wants me to make out and if I stop he'll start kissing me neck.
leave. me. alone.!!!!!
Stress is affecting the sex drive big time. Even if you're happy with your job and it's not stressing you out as that, it's still something you have to do and put effort into.
My SO and I sort of had the same 'problem' when I was staying at his place during my holidays.
Maybe if he finds some other activities (volunteering? sport? take some classes?) it might help.
I know he's just settling in, which is why I haven't said anything yet and have been trying my best to keep up with his needs. But I just can't keep this up forever.
So hang in there.