Since my SO has moved in, I've introduced him to my friend who lives here in my town. It's been great because my friend isn't working right now and loves hanging out with my SO. I'm glad my SO has someone to go out with, otherwise it would just be him and me.

Recently I've been noticing that the "bromance" (get it? 2 guys?) they are having is far more powerful than our romance. The other day we went out to play pool, which I honestly don't even like that much. But, I like beer, snacks, and hanging out so what the hell. The problem is I hate going out on weekdays. I get home from work so exhausted every day, and to stay out until 10pm just kills me. (yes I'm a grandma) So last night even though I didn't WANT to go out, I went anyways because I know my SO hadn't done anything all day.

We go to the first bar and have a few beers. Then my friend says we should go to the billiards room to play more pool. So we drive to the billiards and play more pool. By 9:30 I'm dying (reminder-- grandma) and I tell my SO I'm sleepy. I told him "But you can stay if my friend drives you home." So the boys stay for another 2 hours... while I go to bed. I told them as I left "SOMEone's gotta pay the bills!"

And today. Just got home. SO not around. Turns out he just went out to see a movie with my friend and will be back "later". Whatevs. I'm tired and he's not getting laid! Again! Hahaha That's what happens when "bros" are before "hos".