I posted earlier about my SO having a toothache and worrying about the possible $250 for a filling. Well he went to the dentist and he needs a fucking ROOT CANAL. He's uninsured so it will cost between $1000-$2000. So this whole weekend we've been trying to figure out what to do. Here's the options:

1) He flies back home to Costa Rica to get it taken care of there. His return ticket home is for Thursday (wasn't planning on taking it, just got a 1 month ticket to not raise suspicion at the border). He would have to buy a round trip plane ticket back here, and stay out of the country for at least a month (again to not raise suspicion at the border). Estimated cost: $600

2) We drive up to Ohio (9 hours) where my aunt knows a dentist who will do the procedure for under $400. Great deal! BUT I would have to take off 2 1/2 days of work to do that. Those days I was trying to save for a vacation, but I guess we could make a vacation to Ohio..? Estimated cost: $500 (including gas)

3) We fly my SO up to Ohio to get the same procedure done. I wouldn't have to take off any work, he would go on his own. Estimated cost: $700 (with airfare)

We still have a couple other options we're trying to look into:

a) There's a dental school near by, but when I looked on the website it looked like a real long procedure to get in. We'll try calling tomorrow.

b) We'll try to call the Costa Rican embassy to see if there's some Costa Rican doctor local to where we live that will cut us a break.

And that's where we are. Ugh!!! I can't believe this shit. I'm sort of irritated at him for not getting this checked BEFORE he left. This is a really expensive procedure and he needs to get it done ASAP. The dentist said the infection has already gotten to the nerve. Now I really feel like I need to chip in, and also really don't want to. I don't want to resent him because I have to help him pay for a really expensive procedure that could have gotten taken care of for basically free in his country.

But *relax* ... *deep breaths* My life is pretty great and I need to remember that. We'll pay what we need to. I'll take off the days I need to. We'll get him better and move on.

... *sigh*...