Well if any of you have been keeping up with my tales () you'd know my SO had a toothache. Well he went to the dentist and it turned out that he needed a root canal. The dentist quoted him up to $2000. Ridiculous. After much headache, we got him into a near by dental school to get the work done for between $300-$500. Woo! Well he had his appointment earlier this week and turns out the dipshit dentist didn't write a referral for him. WTF? So we call him up and ask him to fax one over. The dipshit dentist is on VACATION FOR A WEEK. How do you diagnose a patient with an acute situation, take his $100, skip town, and not even write a referral so he can... I don't know GET IT TAKEN CARE OF???!!!! Ugghhh... So I'm going to accompany him to the dentist and fuss them out properly!

Chores... My SO does all of them. Makes breakfast, packs my lunch, makes dinner, washes all dishes, cleans up, makes the bed, does the laundry... the only thing I do is clean the bathroom which I prefer to do so I know it's done right! I just feel like he's going to get burned out from doing that every day. Whenever I offer to do the dishes (which I hate doing) he always says no, that he likes doing the dishes. I don't know, I feel bad sometimes, but I guess I shouldn't...

PUPPY DOG!!!!! My SO and I have decided to get a puppy dog from my aunt. We're going to go get her today! Oooohhh I'm so excited! I think this is a good time to get a puppy because my SO is home all day and can take care of her while I'm at work. We still haven't decided if we're going to "keep her" keep her, or just "train her" keep her and then give her to a good home. Time will tell. Here's some pictures of our cutie. Her name is OLIVE!