My phone interview for an international teaching position is tomorrow night. This job is PERFECT for me. The school is just a few blocks away from where my SO's family lives. I'd get to teach science. I'd get paid great. I'd get great benefits. oooohhh I want it so bad!

The problem, a little birdie just told me the other candidate for the job has experience teaching IB Chemistry. That's what the job is for. And that's the ONLY thing I don't have!! My SO and I have been working all afternoon on how to make it seem like that doesn't matter, but it's got me nervous all the same.

I'm preparing some answers plus reading up on the school some more. Gosh I need this job! I think the things I probably have over this other guy is I speak Spanish, and I've lived in Costa Rica before. Uggh the only thing holding me back is my experience but I KNOW I'm a great teacher... just need to make them see that too...

It is totally on!!!