My SO revealed something to me a few weeks ago that totally turned my world upside down. We had always had this plan: He moves here for a bit. I move there for a bit. We travel for 8ish years. Then move here for good. Well now he says he doesn't want to leave his country again. Ever. (well except for short week long trips or something) We've talked about it more than once and I keep telling him that I don't think he's tried to *like* it here. He just chats with people at home all day, of course he's going to miss them. But he's kind of set in his ways, soo we decided that after my 2 years in his country, when I want to leave to travel, we would just be LD again.

uggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh! But I don't wanna!!!

I don't know.. I'm obviously worrying about something way into the future that might not ever come to pass, but that's just how I am. I love living with him so much, I can't imagine how hard it would be to go back to LDR for YEARS. I'm upset he won't even try a Spanish speaking country with me. That would obviously be more close to home for him than the USA. I guess we've survived the distance before, we can do it again. But it'll suck real bad.

Oh well, I really need to get over this cuz it's not even happening for another 2 years at LEAST.