So I didn't get my dream job in Costa Rica. Turns out they gave it to someone who has worked there before! Well geeze that's sure a shoe-in! I'm a little bummed because I feel like my SO was really excited for me to get the job. It paid well (more than here actually!), was close to his family, had all the right pieces. But oh well, life moves on.

So now I encounter some options. I'm still moving to Costa Rica in either July or August.

1. The same school that didn't give me a job, did offer to "possibly give sub work" when I get down there. Then "maybe something else would open up". So I could do that. But then I'd have to get a work visa on my own. And Costa Rica is not known for its speedy paperwork...

2. I apply for an English teaching job. I don't have a TEFL or TESOL certificate, but I hear most places in CR don't care. You don't get a lot of money, but it's something. This has pros and cons. Pro: I wouldn't work full time. I'm young and I already hate getting up at 6:00 to go to work. I like to sleep! Plus most places help with getting work visas. Con: I would teach to business people probably. As much as my high schoolers drive me up the wall, they're a lot of fun. Don't know what it'd be like teaching adults.

3. I go with no plans and see how things pan out. This option doesn't bother me in the least. I have a good amount of money saved up and could live there happily for over 4 months on what I have. Hell I could probably live there a year without a job. The one bad thing is that I wouldn't have anything to do during the day. I'd have to find a volunteer job or part time job or something. But I'd have lots of time to travel as much as I wanted. Which is honestly what I really want to do.

So this is what I'm mulling over now... I've got time to think about it.