Hey guys! My SO and I just got back from a super awesome trip to New Orleans. We had a freaking blast. It was the first time we had actually taken a plane trip together, instead of taking planes away from each other! We went to a wedding that was AWESOME! Lots of jazz, dancing and food. Just the way I like it

Now I'm back home, by myself I had to leave my SO at my mom's house because he's got a dentist appointment today. They're supposed to be solving his tooth problem (remember he had to get a root canal?) He has one final appointment in another week. I just miss sleeping next to him. In New Orleans, we stayed in a dorm room in a hostel so we had separate beds. Now he's spending another day away from me. I have gotten so used to him being here, it's strange to not see him in the mornings. But oh well, I'll be getting him from the train station tonight. Which is a lot sooner than most of you will be seeing your SOs! I know I'm lucky

And finally: SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER. Only the rest of this week (4 days), and Tuesday/Wednesday next week (2 days) then exams start. THANK GOODNESS! But whose counting...? It's so strange for me to go into June with school. When I was in high school we got out in May, and in college classes stopped in April. Now I gotta work til June. Sheesh! What happened to the good old days?

Well I must be off to make myself some breakfast. My SO isn't here to do it for me Yes, he takes care of me like that:P Good day all!