I think I hurt my SO's feelings and I feel soooo bad.

My sister and I have been trying to plan a road trip for the longest time. Well she finally got leave (she's in the navy) to go take a 2 week trip in CA. I was super siked and I told my SO. He really wanted to come so I saw no problem with it. So for about 2 weeks I've been planning the trip including my SO. But when I talked to my sister today, she admitted she just wanted ME to go. She recently broke up with her long-time (5 year) boyfriend, so I don't think she wants to be around a couple.

So I just told my SO that my sister didn't really want him to come, and I feel sooooo bad about it. Honestly, I probably feel more bad about it than he does. It's also hard cuz I get sooooooo excited about trips real easy and now I feel like I can't say anything about it to him...

But that aside I'm super siked about this trip. I mean it's kind of like a last hoorah for my sister and I before I move to Costa Rica. Plus my SO and I have a lot of other trips planned together before we leave-- Ohio, Pennsylvania, DC, NYC, and Upstate NY.