My SO and I have been living together for almost 7 months! I can hardly believe it. Everything has been going so well it seems strange. I'm starting to enjoy being in the country more and more. Though there's no draught beer. I mean seriously. WTF??!!

The other night I met up with a guy who I met through another guy I met in the USA. (follow that?) He works at the school I'm dying to get a job at. We had a great time and he's going to tell the science director that I'm here in the country and still looking for a job. Plus he says we (the sci director, him and I) will all have to meet up for a beer sometime. Turns out they were really close to hiring me the first time applied. I was the best candidate, then at the very last second some guy who had worked there before applied. Shucks man! But, my friend tells me all teachers have to put in notice by September 15. So I'm hoping by the end of Sept/begging Oct I should know if there is an opening for me. NETWORKING!!!! Yesssssssssssssssssss

Today is the first day I go in to volunteer teach English. The lady who works there wants me to go through to each group and work with each a little. But each group varies so much in age I have no idea what to do! There's 2 y/o's, then there's 4s, 6s, 8s, and 12s! I'm trying to think of some sort of activity that can translate to each level but I don't know... I mean I don't even like kids! But I'll be fine. I'm really good at winging stuff.

So I'm feeling pretty good. Like I'll get a job before I know it and will be so busy I'll wish I had time to sit around on the internets and play with my doggy.