Yesterday I spent a good portion of the day updating my resume and sending it out to every bilingual school in the area whether they were looking for teachers or not. Last night I got a reply from one school saying she wasn't sure if there were any openings for me in the upcoming year, but that she wanted to meet with me anyways. I think I'll consider that an interview!

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTT there is one major but. It's really far away. I don't quite have my bearings in San Jose yet, so when I looked up where they were I saw something I recognized and thought it was pretty close. Well it's not close at all. I don't have a car, so I rely on public transportation which luckily is really great here. But it would take me 3 buses and around 90 minutes to get there. Without traffic. So maybe more around 2 hours.

So I'm going to go to my "interview" but we'll have to see what it's like getting there. Maybe if I get a real good paying job it might be worth it to buy a car. Maybe...

In the end, my search for the illusive job continues...