Before I came to Costa Rica I did tons of research on how to get a work visa. One of the stipulations is all documents have to be dated within 6 months of the application. So I didn't want to do all the paperwork, and then come here to not find a job in 6 months and then have to go back to the states to do everything all over again. So instead, I prepped all documents for my mom to mail off when the time was right.

Well I thought I was well prepared. I was not. I somehow missed a whole bunch of steps. 1- I need a new birth certificate dated within 6 months, even though that is somewhat ridiculous. 2- Both my BC and my police record need to be stamped by: a notary, the Secretary of State, and a Costa Rican consulate. 3- Everything then needs to be translated into Spanish. 4- All documents finally go to "la Casa Amarilla" where I am then allowed to APPLY for a visa.

Now the thing is I wanted my mom to bring down the documents with her because mail here is so unreliable and I don't want to go through this WHOLE THING again because some tico lost my stuff. My mom and her boyfriend are coming to visit on November 22. A VERY short two and a half weeks from today. Really even less than that since this weekend and next weekend she's going on trips and won't be around. And all of the above stuff needs to happen.

My gracious, wonderful mom has agreed to take on the responsibility of getting all this stupid stuff done for me. I feel so bad that she has to do all of it, and even worse that I just found out about all this stuff NOW.

So today I made a bunch of phone calls to find out exactly what it was that has to happen. I then wrote my mom a very detailed email on everything that needs to be done. All but one step can be done in person and therefore can be taken care of the day of. So she should be able to get my new BC, police report notarized and both forms authenticated by the Sec of State all in one long day. Then I've asked her to overnight the docs to the CR consulate which is in Atlanta, because who knows how long they're going to take. And hopefully those will be back in her hands before November 22 when she boards an early plane to Costa Rica.

UUUGGGGHHHHHH!!!! I totally broke down yesterday because of all this stress. I was irritated at my SO because he has no idea what's going on. I just felt like if both of us had been looking up info on the visa, one of us would have noticed everything I missed. Because he doesn't do much traveling or anything, he has just kind of left it up to me to figure things out. But I'm trying to get this visa so I can live with HIM in HIS country. So he has promised to help and be more active from here on out.

I've also been blowing money out my ass trying to get a job here. Let's exclude all the ridiculous fees for getting documents "authenticated" and everything else that goes along with a visa. I have spent $125 in just taxi fare going to all my interviews in the past two weeks. And just TO them. I have always taken a random bus back in the direction of home and then walked a few kilometers because the taxi rides there are so damn expensive.

I am so stressed that all of this won't get done in time. And if it doesn't? I don't even know how to get those papers down here. I don't know a reliable location to have them mailed. Maybe we could send them to my SO's work. Who knows...