I got a job. I should be ecstatic, right? But instead I'm confused and feel bad. I went to a second interview at a Catholic school today. I went in prepared to tell them I was an atheist and ask them if it bothered them. Well, turns out this second "interview" was more of a "we hired you" session. I was confused and a pussy and couldn't speak Spanish well enough to tell them "NOOOOOOOOOO!"

I mean, as a last resort, yes. But I really, REALLY enjoyed a different school. Plus, the job situation at this school is shady and has me confused. When I spoke with the director (who was weird as all get up) he spoke to me about teaching Social Studies or English. I'm a science teacher. So if I accept a job there, I don't even know what I'll be teaching! Nor do I know what I'll be paid. Nor do I know if I'll have to participate in mass or other Catholic activities. Just all around I need more info.

But, this school is nice, environmental, and probably expensive which means I'll get paid well. They also have a sweet schedule with a early release day every Friday. Plus, they have a lawyer all lined up to get me my work visa. I taught in a hell hole for a year, I guess I could teach in a Catholic school for a year too.

I've drafted up an email to send to the school telling them I don't want them to contract me yet. That I still have a few questions and doubts and would like to discuss those first. I'm waiting for my SO to finish editing it so I can send it off.

What a pickle. How did I get here??!!