1. I'm going to Miami tomorrow!!! WOOOOO! My plane leaves at 2am, yes.. it was the cheapest available I'll be there for three days. I'm so psyched. My mom and her husband are coming down too! So it's just gonna be a freaking party.

2. I start my new job on Monday!! WOOOOO! I'm nervous for a lot of reasons, but also really excited. I know I'm a great teacher, and these kids are going to be so much easier to handle than my old population. But I'm going to be teaching science with absolutely no resources what so ever. I consider myself pretty clever, the last school I worked at I had to be. But this school has even LESS. And by less, I mean zero. No labs, no sinks, no microscopes, no magnify glasses, no glassware, no computers, no overhead projectors... nothing! I love doing labs, but there's only so much you can do with just paper cups and baking soda. I'll figure it out. I have to!

3. This new birth control I'm on sucks. booooo! My off week is awful. I get terrible cramps, killer headaches, and just feel all around sluggish. The rest of the time is fine, but my week off.. ugh! I'm going back to my hometown in the States in May, and I've thought about buying a year supply of my normal BC that I've been on for 7 years where my off week was easy peasy. But it would cost me over $200. My insurance only covers the first month, and then the rest I have to buy at full price. Ugh. My BC here is free from my SO's work. Since I take 2 packs back-to-back, I'm trying to decide if 6 weeks a year of awful headaches and cramps is worth saving $200. What would you guys do?

4. My new neighbor is pretty cool! WOOOOO! I hope we can be friends. I need friends.

5. I'm going to attempt to make Nussecken today! WOOOOO! I used to buy it every week at the feria (market). But the German guy hasn't been showing up. It's really sad, but I'm going to see if I can match his magic. Wish me luck!

going to miami going to miami going to miami going to miami