I'll attempt to make this brief, but we'll see.

Last night was a free concert in a park near us. I'm not a huge fan of the group like my SO is, but I like their songs and it's a free concert, of course I want to go! So me, my SO, his friends, his family, and a few of my friends were all going to go together. The plan was to meet at a bar near the concert beforehand so we could drink a few beers and avoid an enormous amount of traffic.

Well in the end only my SO, his one friend and I went to the bar. Long story short, the bar was full so I grabbed a table in the corner when I saw it open up. The boys were playing pool, like they always do, and I figured they'd play a game or two then come hang out. I stared at the goddam wall for FORTY MINUTES before one of his old girlfriends came over and talked to me. By then I was so pissed I was about to text him some really passive-aggressive text about if he was going to let me sit in a corner the WHOLE night, or just part of the night. But this friend was really nice to me, and certainly got me out of my funk.

About 30ish minutes later we went to walk over to the concert. I was feeling happy again and laughing and smiling. The concert is packed, of course. But it's in a park so there's plenty of open areas still. But my SO thinks it's a good idea to push through this giant mass of drunk, nasty people to get closer. I hate crowds. I hate being in close spaces (every does, right?) and I was totally freaking out. I couldn't enjoy the concert because there was TOO.MANY.PEOPLE. I was near tears a few times because I just couldn't handle it. I asked my SO if we could move to the outside and he kept telling me "no I'm protecting you!" That wasn't the freaking problem. ugh.

Soon, the old girlfriend decides she wants to go because she had like an hour ride home. So we all decide to go back to the bar, have a few beers and leave. The whole way walking to the bar my SO is telling his friends how I'm "not used to being in a Costa Rican concert" it was extremely patronizing and frustrating. I've been in freaking mosh-pits before, I don't fucking like them. It's not that I'm not USED to them. I don't LIKE them. He then kept telling me how he left the concert for ME. How the concert is still going but he was willing to leave because of me. Look, I would have been perfectly fine if we had been outside the crowd! I didn't ask to leave and you never asked if I wanted to. It's like he was holding it over my head.

After the bar, which was actually quite pleasant and I was in a good mood again, we walked to get his car. I drove home, being the only sober one, and the two boys (my SO and his friend) thought it was necessary to not just give me directions, but actually tell me how to drive. Like "okay now go slowly around this corner" or "okay now wait for this car to pass and then turn" I've been driving since I was 16. I've been driving in Costa Rica by myself for a month. I not only know the area we were driving in, I fucking know how to take a left onto a street!!

So basically, this whole night that I was really looking forward to was just ruined. I know I could have tried harder to have fun, but I think the evening was just against me somehow. *sigh*

But today is a new day! It's sunny and beautiful! My SO is off buying me pintico for breakfast because he knows how pissed I was about him leaving me for 40 min last night. One thing I know for sure- today will be better than last night