Back me up on this one, LFAD fam.

On another forum I post on a girl started a thread which lead into a discussion about living together before being married. I'm obviously for it, but I won't judge you if you decide to wait. Cool beans with me. But the people on this forum who are against living together before marriage are making me way more upset than I need to be. The way they've replied to the thread implies (and directly states) that they think living together before marriage is a cop out, being lazy, and shows less of a commitment to overcoming obstacles.

I am literally about to burst. I had to come on here and rant before I get kicked off the other forum for saying "fuck" too many times and deliberately attacking other members.

But seriously, what the fuck?

Am I somehow less committed to my SO and our relationship because I haven't singed a goddam paper? We're somehow lazier and don't want to overcome obstacles (like I don't know... speaking 2 different languages and living in 2 different countries 2000 miles apart!!!) We BOTH left our jobs, families, and friends to move to a country we didn't know. And we did it because of the amount of faith we have in each other and in our relationship.

But I'm preaching to the choir here. We know what kind of FAITH, DETERMINATION and COMMITMENT it takes to be in a LDR and to eventually close the distance.

Fuck those other people and their elitist views.