My SO and I just got back from a fabulous trip to the beach. My SO's sister is currently dating some rich dude so he let some of us "come huevos" (rednecks) stay in his super super fancy condo. We had a really great time, but my SO's cousin is a bitch and a half.

She has a single mother who has worked her ass off her entire life to give that child everything she wants. Not needs, wants. They live in a fancy neighborhood, with a fancy car and has fancy clothes. And that girl is the most ungrateful, hideous person alive. It's really hard for me to be around her because she's not my family and I can't say anything to her about her attitude and such. She calls her mom an idiot in front of everyone, she complains when she doesn't get what she wants, she talks over everyone... it's just tiring to be around this chick! And her mother is the kindest, sweetest, most generous person alive. It's really awful to see this girl treat her mother like shit. Hell, she treats EVERYONE like shit. My SO's tried to talk to his aunt about sticking up for herself, and he's the only one in the family that actually puts his cousin in her place. But he can't do that 24/7. She's 21 years old now. She is what she is. (one time her boyfriend's [yeah I don't know how she has one either] mom was going to pay for the two of them to go to Disney in Florida. Pay the WHOLE thing, flight, hotel, everything. Then the bf's mom decided she was going to go too. And the cousin flipped her shit and refused to go because the mom was evidently being evil and trying to encroach on her and her bf's time together. )

We've both decided that we just don't want to spend any more time with her. She and another cousin invited me to go out and party, which is a really nice gesture, but I have no desire whatsoever to go out with those bitches. Half the time they just talk about how other girls are uglier than they are. Who does that?

Just wanted to let this out. I can't post this on my regular blog or facebook since the mom is my friend and fluent in English. Because even though her daughter is maybe the nastiest person I've ever met, she loves her with all her heart.
