I try not to be, but hey, we're not all perfect!

There's this guy I work who is from Germany and teaches math and history to the kids in German. All the kids hate him, and I have to say he's really not that great of a teacher. Okay, niceties aside, he's an awful teacher. He also reeks to high heaven. Seriously, I can't stand being in the same room with him. His Spanish is horrendous and he's obviously got Asperger's or some social awkwardness thing going on. Most of the teachers can't stand him either because he's really... off. But I just attempted to stay neutral. I don't have any reason to hate the man, but I also didn't feel the need to be friends with him. I just sort of stayed away from him, but was cordial when we did talk.

Today, I walked in a room while he was asking another teacher where something was. Well turns out this business is right near where I live, so I offered to give him a ride after school. I'm so glad I did, and I feel bad I was so judgmental of him before.

Riding 20 minutes with him in the car really brought around more respect for this guy. Here's this guy, in his late 30s or so, who just up and left Germany because he thought his life was too boring. He moved to a completely different country where he didn't even speak the language. He got a job as a teacher (now I don't know why people always think this is so easy. I've met so many people who have switched from the corporate world to education thinking it'll be a walk in the park and they all end up being really bad at their job. Teaching is a different world, man! But that's a whole other conversation...) and found his own place to live and everything. He now wants to move to Nicaragua and open up a bakery. He told me that if it fails and he loses all his money, he'll just go back to Germany. What a plan! I mean these are the types of people I like to meet. Ones willing to take risks and live out their dream. Plus, I was surprised to see while we were driving he knew all the places. I guess I just thought he was the type to stay in his house and just be a hermit crab, but no! This dude gets out!

So I still think he's a horrible teacher who needs to get a new job, but the person he is isn't that bad. I'm glad I got to know him. And I feel bad for avoiding it for so long. He's just a person. And like all people he just needs a friend.