Internet is back on at my work! Yeehaw! I love wasting time on the internet

Well I'm on my off week of my BC pills and I have a horrendous headache. I had them before on my off weeks, and then the past 2 times I was off I didn't have any problems at all. Then yesterday I got a headache. I thought it was from being in front of the computer, but quickly learned it was not. My head hurt all last night and still hurts now. Pain pills don't help, it'll go away once I start taking my BC pills again. *sigh* I didn't get my old BC from the USA since I stopped having headaches every off week. Now they're back

So there's some drama at work! One of my coworkers got an email saying that she was fired. No explanation, no prior warning, no criticism, no nothing. She called me and I was really shocked and checked to see if I had been fired too! Luckily I haven't but then I was like "shit, whose to say it won't be me next?" I told her she needed to talk to the director and demand a reason.

Well yesterday she comes in and tells all her classes all teary eyed that she's been fired and won't be coming back after break. All the kids are crying and writing her goodbye notes on the board.

Then today, another teacher tells me that it was actually all a mistake! The email was supposed to go to the office and the director meant to talk with the teacher about it and see if she wanted to renew or not. Now, I feel bad for this teacher, but I would have NEVER went around telling the KIDS I was fired until I had spoken with the director first! What a big fuck up.

Finally, this other teacher is all pissed and wants to quit and keeps coming in and talking to me about how they've broken her contract and she wants to leave to go to this other job instead. Whatever. I'm not a lawyer so I don't have any idea what you're talking about. The director treats me well enough. She's not the greatest and the school could certainly use some changes, but I'm content here.

Enough work babble..

I've been day dreaming about getting eloped way too much! I'm already getting together our visa stuff. I need to email a lawyer about a prenup (gonna cost an arm and a leg, but we need one). I'm really psyched because my sister wants to go "elopement dress" shopping when we meet up in Germany in July. Evidently Germany has good shopping, anyone care to comment? I'd love to get a long sleeved, shortish, white-ish dress. We're going to elope where it's gonna be cold, but I don't want a really long dress. I guess I'd like to be sort of causal, but with long sleeves! It's gonna be cold! Who knows if I'll ever find a dress like that, but we'll see.

This is sort of what I'm talking about:

For visa stuff I've put together a folder on my computer of pictures of us. I love looking through it! From the first year we met to current stuff, and all the places we've been and all the things we've done. So ... just ... I also have gotten physical proof of living together, leases, shared bills, my paycheck being deposited in his bank account. I need to print out plane tickets, get copies of our visa stamps, get affidavits from people we know. I'm actually starting to wonder how I'm going to be able to get all the visa stuff ready without telling my mom first. I think it'd be pretty damn important to get an affidavit from my parents... I need to get things translated and figure out what our "street" address is here.

But we have plenty of time. I feel weird starting everything so early, but at the same time I'm glad. It's a whole bunch to get together!!!

Well I gotta give my 7th graders a quiz on cellular respiration, so I must bid farewell. Whoever made it through that whole post deserves a beer!