I found out yesterday my SO makes LESS MONEY THAN I DO. He is a head project manager at a company for over 10 years. He designs, contracts, and oversees production of machines used at the company. He works 60 hours a week. More when there's holidays. What. the. hell.

I had no idea he earned so little. For whatever reason I thought he was earning $2300/month. Which isn't a lot, but it's more than me. Come to find out he earns $1400/month. That's LESS THAN $17000/year. WHAT?? I earn $1500/month and easily work half of what he does. When we talked about it last night he says "of course, you're a gringa you get paid more" Which I knew, but I had no idea everyone else earned so little.

The thing is, these salaries would make sense if cost of living is low, but it's not!

Anyways, the reason we even started talking about it is because his aunt sent him a job opening she wants him to apply for. It would be more money and evidently less work. Even though we plan on leaving to the USA in the next year and a half he would look at switching jobs if it meant more time off. It's not even the money that's a big deal, we live very happily on what we have. But I would love if he had more weekends off.

So we'll see. I can't wait til we move back to the states. My salary would double and his would easily triple (if we can land jobs, knock on wood!) and living expenses will be the same or less. Means more vacations!!