So I want to stay in Costa Rica. Not forever, but for a while longer.

My SO is dying to move back to the USA.

Funny how shit turns out right? Me, who cried for days when I moved down here. My SO, who swore he would never leave his home country again.


I mean of course there's days when I'm like "CURSE THIS STUPID COUNTRY", but I could think that anywhere. Most of the time, I love the place.

I keep mentioning to my SO that I'd be happy living here for a while longer. Not settling down really, but for 2 or 3 more years. Before we really decided to get married, I told him that if he's not ready I'm super happy here and we can wait longer. But he's ready. And really, I'm ready.

I promise this isn't me trying to get out of marrying my SO. I'm actually really excited about it and don't have any plans of telling him I want to wait. We plan on filing for a spouse visa as soon as we get the marriage license.

But I want to stay here longer! Every once in a while I realize how freaking great my job is. I'm never in my life going to be one of those people who loves going to work, but I don't dread it right now. I would never find such a relaxed full time position in the USA. And the kids are so good! My biggest problem is they talk too much. That's it. That's the problem they have. It's almost unreal.

Unfortunately, when I bring up me wanting to stay longer, my SO talks about how ready he is to leave. Because you see, while my job pays well (for Costa Rica, it pays shit really) and gives me tons of time off, my SO works at least 50 hours a week for nothing. He's always tired and stressed out. He doesn't have any days off and actually works extra during holidays. What kind of BS is that?

So, we'll be leaving. Because it's just not fair. It'd be super selfish to ask him to stay longer when he could get a much better job in the USA (knocks on wood). I guess in maybe another year, by the time we get approved for a visa (knocks on wood) I'll be ready to go back home.

Just rambling I suppose. Sometimes it's nice to just let out your pensamientos.