Today my SO and I went wedding shoe shopping. Almost everything didn't work because a) heels are stupid high, b) shoes are boring, or c) most stores only go up to size 9.

I found this one pair of shoes that both me and my SO liked. The problem is, they're a little on the high side. I have ankle problems and I can't wear high high heels. Also, the heels are stilettos which (because of the ankle issues) I haven't worn in YEARS. We'll be getting married in January in Colorado, which means lots of snow and ice. I'm so worried about wiping out in these things.

These are *sort of* similar to the ones I was considering. They're not quite as high, the heel is orange, and the platform in the front is orange and gold. I think they look a lot classier than these ones

Am I stupid to try to wear high high stiletto heels? I'm starting to get so tired of looking. Maybe I'll just wear hiking boots

Oh- and also I plan on buying a lilac petticoat to go under my dress. It'll probably peek through the bottom. I'm not a slave to fashion or anything, but I think a lilac petticoat would not look that great with orange and gold shoes. My SO would not be okay with me picking a super bright color. But he's cool with lilac
