I'm so excited.

So this whole ring thing has had me worried. I was originally going to use my mom's ring. I decided against it because I wanted my SO to pick me out a pretty ring. But, rings in CR are so overpriced that we'll have to order on the internet. Since he has no internet knowledge at all I would have to help him, and use my credit card since his is a CR card. And it couldn't be shipped here, so no proposal. So then I was thinking, if I'm not going to get the surprise or the proposal, why not just use my mom's ring after all?

My SO, although trying very hard to act interested, just had no advice. I asked my mom and she only replied with "have him email me".

So now they're up to no good!!! I asked my SO what they talked about and he wouldn't tell me. I asked if we needed to buy the ring online and he said no. I asked if I needed to send more ring pictures I like and he said no.

My mom also asked if she could tell my grandma because she might have "goodies" for me. I'm kind of thinking my grandma will give my SO a ring. Which is great, it'll save us money and she has some really pretty rings.

I've picked out a few for my SO. He likes titanium. Something not shiny and very "manly". I like these because they're sort of "machiney" and he's an engineer. Here's one we like:

and another:

I'm all excited. I'm a little sad that I can't revel in all my wedding-ness on facebook like normal people do. But I'll get over it. I keep fantasizing about changing my status to "married" once we get married, all my friends are going to freak. How fucking lame is that? But whatever.

I think we've decided to change our date from 1-11-13 (which I liked because it was all prime numbers, well 2013 isn't prime, but 13 is) to 1-12-13 (1+12=13). Yes, I'm a weird number freak. My mom talked me into it so that my SO will get in a day of skiing before we go to take pictures on the mountain. And she's right. Plus 1-12-13 is still pretty cool.

Shoes- I feel like I'm going to give up. I'm thinking about just wearing boots, whatever my aunt and uncle can lend me. We'll see.

Also, I'm going to get a lilac petticoat. I'm trying to convince my SO to get a matching lilac bowtie! How adorable!

Anyways, just rambling here because I can't tell anyone else.