I have no girlfriends to ask! And everyone in my family is a slob! So I turn to my LFAD fam!

As I mentioned before I plan on getting a lilac petticoat. My dress is short and the petticoat will show.

(here's the color for reference)

vv (this color, top left corner)

I found these shoes that I really like and my sister loves. (so much she's going to buy a pair! ) Would it look super duper tacky to wear pink shoes and light purple petticoat? I'm not a matchy person, and a little funky is fun to me. (as you can tell by the shoes! jeje)

On the petticoat website it looks like they have a light pink that would match exactly with those shoes. (petticoat color not in the picture above) Like I mentioned before I'm not a matchy person, but I also don't want to be over the top tacky. And of course I'm still trying to convince my SO to wear a matching lilac bow tie. There's no way in the world he would wear pink. I'm not even 100% sure he'd wear purple, but certainly better chance than pink. We could always go with white bow tie or whatever color, but I was kind of excited about a matching one I could maybe convince him into wearing a white one with maybe some pink stripes or something. But I'm not a huge pink person to begin with...

**edit- sort of thinking yellow petticoat now... opinions?**

Soo.. opinions??!!