So today I got my sick ass out of bed and went with my SO into shitty-ass, dirty, clusterfuck downtown to get buttons for the bouquet and mesh for my veil. It was a success! Plus I had an empanada which looked really good, but my nose is all clogged up and I couldn't taste a bite We were going to get his finger measured at a store, but as we were leaving it looked like it was about to pour so we speed walked to the car instead. We really need to get that done soon because I need to order his ring. On the site it says 6 weeks to process or whatever!

Anyways, I made some more button flowers and here's what I've got so far. I'm really liking it

And I also found some mesh. I've now been to 5 pasamanerias (sewing/craft shops) and only one had any mesh/lace that I would use for a veil. All the other stuff is elasticy-underwear lace. So the stuff I ended up with is only about 4 inches wide. I bought a normal white mesh, and one with sparkles. Haven't decided which one to use or even how to use them. They're so skinny. Was thinking I could possibly attempt to sew them together to get a little more width but I don't know if you'd be able to see a giant seam or not. Will have to test it out.

Here's my attempt to see what they would look like. Please excuse how busted I look in these pictures, I feel just as gross as I look.

(normal white mesh)

(sparkle mesh)

AAaaand finally-- I started playing around with makeup ideas. I'm a big fan of makeup and have been going around youtube to get inspiration. I don't have very many colors, mostly pinks, golds and browns, so I'm trying to see if I can work with those. If not, I would be okay buying some new colors. So yesterday while feeling like shit I did some ideas. I did one that was goldeny-pink and one that was electric blue and this shiny purple I have. I'll probably buy sparkles and put them over whatever I decide to do. I love eye sparkles

I look hella drunk in this picture. It's okay if you laugh, I did too But I thought it was the only decent picture I managed to take of the makeup.

Here's another, a little less ugly.

Anyways, thoughts about the makeup and veil? And if you all have any tips or hints or ideas for either of them I'd be happy to hear