Finished! Well I finished wrapping/gluing all flower buttons together. It was a pain in the ass. It's smaller than I wanted so I think I'm going to somehow wrap it in white or purple fabric (or both!) to beef it up a little.

(I know the shorts are a little distracting but I didn't feel like changing)

Thinking of buying these stockings. My sister thinks I'm using too many accessories, but they're fun! And not too over the top... at least not in my opinion. I'll buy the tights and if it looks like too much then I won't wear them. I do know how to edit... I promise

Also my dad wrote me an email today and asked if he could walk me down "an aisle". So I guess it's important to him that he does. Cool beans. I might ask my sister to play a song on the ukulele. She's really very mediocre but I guess it'd be okay. And a ukulele is travel sized