SO! I'm home with nothing to do. So I got all dressed up I put on my dress and my headband thingy and grabbed my bouquet and took some pictures. I think it looks nice! I'm playing with the idea of wearing my dress strapless (as you can see in the picture). It has these bra-like straps that you can hook on, but I'm not a huge fan of them. I was really glad they were there so that I can wear them if we go dancing, etc. But I'm thinking for the ceremony I might leave them down. We'll see. My mom says she's going to make me a shawl (since I'll be FREEZING) so it might hide the straps anyways. Which would be cool. I also have no idea how to do my hair. It's been forever since I've had it so long and I don't know what to do. I'm sort of digging the side pony since it's easy. Remember- I'll be getting ready for the big event in a train caboose with no electricity! jaja

I also talked with my mom and she finally sent me a picture of my shoes and petticoat together. I think it's going to be super cute

Aaand we talked rings. Evidently my mom picked out three and now she, my grandma, my sister and my SO are going to pick one. She told me one was way too expensive and I convinced her to send me a picture of it. Because I'm not getting that one! It's so beautiful I love it. It's 18k gold and my mom says it retails for almost $2000!!!! But, since my mom knows the guys he was going to sell it at $800-$900. Great deal, but still way too much. I'm thinking the other two have the same pattern as the first one, but just smaller widths and 14k instead of 18k. She won't tell me, and I'm glad because it's supposed to be a surprise. We both just happen to be really awful at keeping secrets, I'm surprised we made it this long!

Anyways, here's the ring I'm *not* getting. But again, I'm thinking the one I am getting is very similar.

And to more random stuff- the other day I went to the mall to get my SO's finger sized and I ended up spending way too much money on makeup. I went to MAC, big mistake to begin with, and only bought that gel liner and a brush to put it on and it came to like $60. It's too much. I knew it then and I know it now (I also knew it would be more expensive here than in the USA, and it's already crazy expensive in the USA!). The thing is, I always have buyers remorse after I buy myself makeup. Makeup is expensive and I like to get the good quality stuff since my face is sensitive. I've been wanting this gel liner stuff for the longest and I tried it on and I LOVE it. So I'm trying not to get too down about it. I have plenty of money, it's okay if I spend it here and there on myself. I'm really glad my SO didn't dog me about it. Although when the lady said the price he yells "JUEPUTA!" (sonuvabitch) The lady looks shocked and says "yeah well she didn't even get all the stuff she needs like foundation, concealer,..." Thanks for being on my side lady

But we did finally get my SO's finger sized! I tried to buy his ring yesterday but my card wasn't working. *sigh* A month ago or so my card number was "compromised" so they shut it down and sent me a new one. Which my mom is holding onto until she sees me in January. So I don't know if there's a new problem with the card or the site or what. I'm going to see if my mom will pay with her card and then I'll pay her back.

OH! And I've been meaning to say this. This weekend my SO and I are going to the beach and one of my good friends is going to take "engagement" pictures for us as a wedding gift. She's an aspiring photographer and in my honest opinion she's quite mediocre. BUT! It's super generous of her and I think it'll be fun/awkward. My SO and I are pretty awkward in front of the camera. But it'll be nice. I'll post some pictures here (as they are NOT allowed on facebook) once I get them.

Guess that's it for now!!!