So I worked some more on my bouquet and I'm still loving it! I went through all the spaces and filled them in with these little flowers I bought. I also bought a lilac colored ribbon and wrapped the handle. I didn't do a very nice job wrapping it. I did it first just to see what it would look like and when I tried to un-wrap it the ribbon was all caught in the wires and was ripping apart. So I figured I'd just leave it as is. I mean no one really sees the handle anyways, right?? Finally, I took the remaining purpley-blueish fabric and made a few more of those flowers. I strung them all together and when my handle is done drying I'll put them around the outside. I did a test trial and I think it looks spiffy. Here's the pictures.

The second one looks very voluminous, I'm going to play with it til it looks right!

Also, today I ordered our personalized Sharpies!!! I'm stupid excited about them jeje. I ordered 4 sets of 6, that way we could get 4 different colors. I got purple, dark blue, turquoise, and green. All of them say ''Oscar y Signe, 12 enero 2013'' but each one has a different font, and two sets have a heart picture and the other two a snowman picture. They should get to my mom's house on Saturday.

Speaking of my mom-- my poor mom! She's having to bring so much stuff for me! She's bringing my shoes, petticoat, stockings, jewelry, lace for veil, my SO's wedding ring, tax forms, Sharpies, mustard, grits, and a bridal ski hat she made me. Not my fault though, there's no way I could have that stuff shipped here!

Tomorrow we go to the beach, I'm so excited!! I just finished making my bathing suit. It doesn't fit very well so I don't think it's wave-proof, but it'll be fine for just hanging out. And I'm proud of myself for making myself a suit for under $15. I really hope someone compliments me on it so I can be like ''thanks! I made it!'' (that's the best thing about making stuff, braging about it)

Hope everyone has a good weekend!