Hey guys!

Yesterday the SO and I got back from the beach. We helped move one of my best friends in CR up to the beach and also got to stay at her place for 3 days. It was really beautiful.

My friend was supposed to take pictures of my SO and I as a wedding gift but every single day she kept putting it off. We finally took the pictures Sunday morning while it was cloudy (missing a sunny day and a beautiful sunset). She assured me that that was actually the best type of light and could add in sunshine later with editor. I don't really care that much, it was really nice of her to offer. I hope she emails me the pictures sometime this week.

My SO and I were super awkward in front of the camera. As we knew we would be.

Also, we had to practice how we were going to kiss at our wedding. See I have a huge problem with PDA. I don't mind cheek pecks in front of people, but anything beyond that makes me super uncomfortable. My SO is of course the opposite since here people basically dry hump each other on the street. So he said I better not kiss him so hesitantly on our wedding day, so we did some practice. I think I fianlly got it I didn't notice but he says I was leaning back while he was trying to kiss me during the pictures. I probably was. I just get so uncomfortable with it.

Anyways, we had a really great time at the beach. It took FOREVER to get home. The freaking roads here, good god! Can we even call them roads, more like giant craters with smaller potholes on the side. It took all of my being not to go on some American rant about how shitty the roads are. We were going down the only highway from the beach to San Jose, which is one lane, and all of a sudden the traffic just stops. Didn't know if it was a car crash or a landslide (which happen ALL the time) or just some freaking chicken truck going hella slow up a hill (who you can't pass since it's only one lane!). So we turn around and get off on an exit where we take this curvy ass, scary, mountainous road in the pouring rain which takes a full hour and a half (the highway when moving takes about 30 min) to get to San Jose (so instead of 3.5 hours it was 5 hours to get home). When I say curvy I mean fucking curvy. There's this one curve at the bottom of a steep ass hill, and I have no idea how buses get around it. It's like a freaking tight ass U turn. Evidently this was the road that everyone used to have to take to the beach before the highway was finished about 3 years ago. The highway that took SINCE THE 70s to build because this government is incompetent. But anyways...

We finally got home and went to pick up my doggy from the lady who watches her. I teach her kids at my school and I swear she charges us way too much. She charges $14 every 24 hours and then if we're like an hour late to get the dog she adds $2 for every hour extra. Man I get that she doesn't want people to screw her over, but we're pretty close. I'm not going to screw her over. So we pick up the dog and she says she's raised the rates to $16 a day. Fuck that. I need to find someone new to take care of the dog. It's just too damn expensive! And then that little extra hour or two really add on. Plus every time we leave the dog with her she comes back covered in fleas and with her leash chewed in half. Which I didn't mind too much because we had a cheap cloth leash that I could just sew back together no problem. But my SO lost this leash so we had to drop her off with her really nice, expensive leather leash that was a gift. We specifically asked for her to make sure the dog didn't chew the leash. And of course it's chewed. Fucking lady...

Annnyways, let me stop bitching over my petty problems...

I contacted the etsy designer for my SO's ring and turns out it's going to be about $100 less than I expected it to be! Sweet! I think I have to use a credit card attached to a paypal account to buy it. I'm going to see if my mom lets me use hers or if she can send a check in for me.

My SO and I talk about how excited we are to get married almost every day. On the (FIVE HOUR) trip back to San Jose I was talking to him about what we want to do when we get back to the USA. I really want to do a road trip. He has to wait about a month or so to get his greencard to start working, so why not tool around the country for that time? I want to buy a nice car (well ya know, used and nice!) and get a little teardrop trailer to pull. And go around and see the sites for 4 or 6 weeks. I just think it's a perfect time to do something like that since we'll both be inbetween jobs with a month of time to kill. I have so much of the USA I haven't seen and of course my SO has only been to a few places on the east coast. So yeah, getting siked about that.

Speaking of the USA... I need to have my SO print out my absentee ballot! I need to get voting

And also I need to get all this laundry done.

And probably should prepare a bit for when I finally go back to work tomorrow.
