Looking at little jackets now. It's funny that I think there's nothing else I possibly need to plan for/buy and then I think of something else.

My mom told me she would make me a little scarf/shawl but I think that might look kinda old lady. Plus I don't know if she'd have time to do it or not. She's already making me a bridal ski hat. I'm really excited about that (edit- my mom says my grandma is knitting me a sparkly white scarf. Now I really don't trust it to be anything I want to wear! She's super awesome at knitting but she's a grandma. The last time she made me a sweater (in college) she made me a multicolor one without sleeves because ''it's hot in NC'' Also, who knows if she'll finish in time)

Anyways, did a little looking and found these. Thoughts?


I think I like the third one best and honestly I think it's mostly because of the model. She's all like ''look I'm sassy on my wedding day!'' I think the first two are a little more matronly. I just liked that one of them had longer sleeves!

I bought my SO's ring a few days back! That's exciting. And also just bought my tights. I don't think they'll be too over the top, but as we talked about before I'll try it all on and see what needs to be edited!

Today I plan on finishing my bouquet (adding the fabric). I'll post a picture later if I get around to it.

I'm also thinking about nails. I never get my nails done, but here it's so cheap I'll definitely do it before the wedding. I'm trying to decide if I go for the regular french tips, or with this light lilac purple I have that I think would match my petticoat perfectly. Maybe french tip with the lilac? meh, plenty of time to figure it out. (I keep saying that but I feel like January will be here before I know it!!)

Suppose that's it for now. I have a bouquet to finish, some apples to buy and a nap to take. Busy day.