Honestly I'm just posting this because I'm bored off my ass and the wine is out. I'll probably delete all of this tomorrow when I'm not begging for attention.

Got a ride home today from schoolwork and the lady knows that my SO and I are getting married. She spent the entire ride home (a good 25 minutes because she drives like a... woman) telling me that I need to have a party to get presents. I told her I do plan on having a party, but we don't really want presents. She goes on to tell me how nice it is that we don't need material things and things don't make a person bigger or smaller.

Then says ''but really, you should make a list of things you want so people will buy them for you''

But we don't NEED anything. I mean I get the idea of giving gifts to a couple who is moving in together for the first time and need things like... towels and a blender and shit. But we already have all that. Plus we're planning on moving back to the USA in a few years, why the hell would I want more shit to just have to turn around and either sell it or give it away?

I don't want stuff and I certainly don't want crappy wedding shit. I feel like wedding gifts are always the worst.

I'd be happy with my friends setting aside an evening to celebrate and partake in druken debauchery with me and my SO. So much better than a blender.

Although if it was a Kitchen Aid blender I might reconsider....