I don't know if some of you remember me complaining about holding all my friend's stuff, well of course the day after I posted that blog she texted me asking me to look up the brand of her regulator. So I finally went and looked. Then two days later she gets some amazing opportunity to go on a 10 day trip to Cocos Island FOR FREE!!! I seriously need people skills like her, she knows everyone and gets shit for free all the time. This trip is normally around $5000, and she goes for free because people like her. °envious° (Cocos Island is like a diver's paradise. There's hundreds of hammerhead sharks there. The only way to get there is a 36 hour boat ride. And this will be her SECOND free trip to Cocos. Can you believe that shit??!! soooooo jealous)

Soooo that means she needs me to go through her shit again and pull out all her scuba stuff to take to a friend who will be here in San Jose for the weekend.

Of course, I put off that too.

Finally, after she called me 3 times in a row, I went to go look through her stuff. I got it all together and she tells me ''yeah put it in the black bag and any of the clothes in there you can have.'' I wasn't too excited about taking her clothes because she likes clothes a little... let's say ''more revealing'' than I do. But turns out that since she likes tight, revealing clothes and is about 3 sizes bigger than me, a lot of her clothes fit the way I would wear them! Woo woo!

Then was still the issue about tracking down her friend and lugging this bag over to her hotel. Which was not as bad as I thought it would be and her friend was awesome and we ended up making dinner plans.

We went to dinner at a Lebanese place (yes! San Jose does have a very few diverse places to eat!) that was DELICIOUS and some guy that went with us picked up the bill! FOR EVERYONE! I had only met him that night but he said he enjoyed our company so much he paid the bill. Geeze louise!

So... after all that grumbling, whining, and moaning... I got tons of new, free clothes and a delicious, free dinner. I need to learn to quit bitching and just do nice things for people. Geeze.

Tonight is the Lady Gaga concert!!!!! I read in the newspaper the other day that she will have 3 opening acts lasting a total of 3.5 hours. Just the OPENING acts. And then she'll be 1.5-2 hours herself. She has some DJ from Costa Rica starting, then Lady Starlight (who I have no idea who she is), and then The Darkness (didn't they have that one good song like 5 years ago? I have no idea...) But yeah, we're thinking of not getting there til later. I mean seriously. That's not a concert, that's a freaking music festival! And they don't even sell beer at the stadium! What am I going to do for what... 5, 5.5 hours?

My SO also seems to think that they're going to be really strict with letting cameras inside. He said he saw on the news that they will take away your camera if you try to bring it in, and if you sneak it in and they catch you taking pictures they will take you out of the concert. Who knows if that's true or not, but I'm going to risk it. I mean they can't possibly police 38,000 people at a time, can they? I do have to hide my camera really well though. When I went to a CR v USA soccer game they took the batteries out of my camera. Because people throw them on the field. They also make you dump out all your change. Because people throw them on the field.

One last thing to ramble about-- I'm considering going home for a few days in December. My mom told me it is a waste of money since I'll be going to the USA in January (but not home). My sister told me to do it. I just kind of want to go and try on all my stuff, and go buy stuff if I want to, and just drink some wine, eat some good cheese (not available in CR!!!!) and relax. I thought I could pay for the ticket with this extra money we get at the end of the year called an ''aguinaldo''. It's basically like a Christmas bonus. I'll get an extra month's pay, and a ticket costs about half that. So I thought, might as well use it on something, right?

My mom's right... it is a waste of money

Done now, have probably reached word count limit anyways...