So I bought this ticket home. I checked the school schedule and the last day of classes is December 7. And then Dec 10-13 we are giving out the grades to the parents. It's basically the parents come and we talk about their kid and tell them whatever we need to tell them.

Well I thought hell, I can miss that last day! Usually no one even comes the last day. So I bought my ticket for Dec 13, because it was cheaper and had better flights (the other ones took like 18 hours).

But now I'm thinking... oops. What if the teachers have to keep working after that last day? I mean it would make sense. In my last school the teachers stayed like 3 or 4 days after to clean up and such.

My ticket is already bought, so I'll be going regardless. I'll talk to my director about it and let her know that I plan on cleaning up my room and getting everything done before that day. I'll also throw in that the reason I'm going home is because I'm getting married. So hopefully she'll be understanding. It's not a complete lie since I will be getting married, just not on that particular trip

But I'm nervous to bring it up. I'll do it eventually. Just send an email. I'd like to do it after I sign my contract for next year Luckily, we only get paid for the days we work so if for whatever reason we have to keep working, I just won't get paid those days. That's fair, right?

Well... it's just been on my mind. Hope everything turns out okay!

But I must say, I'm super psyched I bought the ticket. I'm going to bring all my stuff and get to try it on. My sister says she'll even take a few days off work to come up and visit us! Or maybe we'll go down to visit her. There's this shop called ''Wine and Cheese'' and I bet you can guess what goes down there It's one of our most favorite places!

Also my mom wants to use one of the pictures from our ''engagement'' shoot to make up little cards to send out to family after the wedding. I think that'll be nice. Make them not feel as left out.

Oh and work gossip! So there's this kind of unstable lady who works here who was totally hitting on the new teacher here. I think he thought they were ''just friends'' at first, but then more and more started happening and he got the point. Well the other day I accidentally walked into a conversation where the new guy was obviously straight out turning down the crazy lady. Since then he has been cooped up in his room. He never talks with other teachers or eats lunch with us or anything. Whenever I do go say hey to him I ask him how his weekend was and he goes ''yeah I just slept a lot'' I mean geeze, I love sleeping, but if you're not doing anything during the week how much sleep do you need during the weekend?

So I invited him to come to Thanksgiving dinner (he's the only other person from the USA in the school) and invited him to my SO's mom's birthday party this weekend. He won't know anyone, but there'll be free food, free booze and a mariachi so at least it's a good excuse to get out of the house!

(ps- unstable lady just rambled to me for about 10 minutes about some problem she has with the director. ummm okay... go talk to *her* about it!)

HOPEFULLY will get my computer back from the shop tomorrow. I really want it because I've been using up all my phone credit to call home (my SO doesn't have skype on his computer, nor a microphone, nor webcam...) It's still pretty cheap. I made a 20 minute call the other day and it cost me about $5. Not too shabby.

Well that's it for now. I'm starving! When's lunch!