Okay I couldn't think of a title. Titles are too much pressure!

Last night we had a really great party for my SO's mom's 50th birthday! It was a blast. His family loves me so much. It's always a little awkward because they spend like 10 minutes telling me how pretty I am whenever I come to a party. I guess most of the time I'm dressed like a slob and as soon as I put on eyeliner they get all excited. jeje

They had a mariachi which was awesome. It's super common here to hire a mariachi for a party. They come and sing like 4 or 5 songs then leave. I mean you don't want to hear them for an hour that's for sure... But it was great. Afterwards everyone was drunkenly singing more mariachi songs. I only know one mariachi song so the rest of the time I was just swaying back and for and screaming "ay ay yyyyyyyiiiiiiiii" which works pretty well!

Oh and I just remembered this-- Last night my coworker came to the party and he had a really good time. I spent most of the night chatting with him since he didn't know anyone and since my SO was busy smoozing with his family. Well me and my coworker kind of talked to one of my SO's cousin for a while as well. At one point she says to my coworker "I've know lucybelle for so long but this is the first time I've ever talked to her! I always thought she was so serious!" I was kind of taken aback when she said this because the only time I see her is WHEN SHE CLEANS OUR APARTMENT. She's our cleaning lady! I don't know, she made it seem like we hang out all the time and I just ignore her. I always feel a little awkward with the cleaning lady around, cuz I'm just being a lazy ass and she's scrubbing my toilet. What are we supposed to talk about? "So, how's living in the ghetto, making zero money and scrubbing toilets for a living?" Anyways....

(here's the only mariachi song I know. Because I love Antonio Banderas and Once Upon a Time in Mexico)

Anyways I was just thinking yesterday... when I go home I can have a bachelorette party!!! I have like 3 close friends who know I'm getting married and I think would be cool with going out with me and just getting drunk. I don't need a strip club or anything, and none of those stupid outfits. Just me and my friends going to a bar. Really, just a reason to hang out! Is it weird to organize my own party? I don't care.. I'm going to do it!

Well this was a short blog. I think I'm going to wake up my SO now for breakfast. I'm HUNGRY!