My dad loves us. The way he shows his love is through gifts. That's like his thing. We barely talk, maybe like once a month or so, but for every birthday and christmas he throws a ridiculous amount of either money or gifts at me. It almost makes me feel bad. You know? I'm 25 years old. I have a job. I can pay for my own stuff now. If you see a tshirt that makes you think of me, cool, I'll love it. But I don't need him to buy me tons of stuff anymore!

Anyways. He's a techy guy so I wrote him asking about finding a phone that would work here in CR. (as I've mentioned a million times before, electronics are stupid expensive here, so I want to buy in the USA) He's now picked one out and is ready to buy it for me. I also asked about finding an external hard drive to store my pictures. He's already bought me one. And he just wrote me asking if I want a tablet or a new mp3 player or iPod.

I mean geeze louise! He says he wants to have an "early Christmas" when I visit in December. I feel sooo bad. I don't want my dad to buy me all this stuff. I mean, he's got the money, but so do I! I can buy myself a cell phone now!

Then, I was considering bringing Christmas presents for the family, but sort of decided against it. Because it's annoying to bring presents across borders. But now I have to at least get something for my dad (and probably his wife). But it'd have to be small and fit in a bag and not break. And then is it even worth it? He's giving me tons of stuff and I'm like "here's a frog that ribbits when you rub its back".

I was already thinking of bringing some of my favorite hot sauce back for my family. But I was also considering giving those out as wedding favors. I did buy the personalized sharpies for wedding favors, but since so few people were coming I thought I could make up little party bags for each person. I was planning on including hot sauce. And maybe a bottle of the local liquor. Which isn't anything spectacular. But you can't get it anywhere else.

Geeze louise is this entire blog about hot sauce?


Anyways, what should I do? Should I find gifts for all my family (who will probably not get me anything)? Or just my dad and his wife (who will shower me with so much stuff I probably won't be able to take all of it back)?

And the hot sauce?! What to do about the hot sauce?!?!?!