School year is so close to being over! Thank goodness! So much drama in the past couple weeks. Two second graders were caught SMOKING in the bathroom. SECOND graders. *sigh*

My papers for residency are evidently done but still need to be brought to the school so I can take them to migracion. I want to go next Monday so hopefully I'll have them by then. I also need to make a $50 deposit which could take an hour or so to do. Hopefully I can do that Monday morning. Normally, you give these tasks to the lawyer to do, but the lawyer on my case is so goddamn worthless I prefer to waste my day going to migracion instead of waiting a month or two for him to get his lazy ass into gear to do it.

The same Monday my SO and I have to go to the USA embassy to get our prenup signed. Which reminds me, I need to send an email to THAT lawyer to make sure they finish the changes and get it to me in time to go get it signed. (just sent, lied and said we had the appointment Thursday. I need that shit done)

So sick of bureaucracy.

Also- thinking about my trip home in... 2.5 weeks! Holy mess! So close! Hooray! I was planning on bringing up my dress and trying everything on but... (as we say in Costa Rica) mucho despiche. It's just a lot of extra stuff to do. So I think I'll leave my dress here and just bring everything back down. I mean I have A LOT of stuff waiting for me at my mom's house. I'd prefer to just make a big trip of stuff instead of packing extra things to take up and then back down again. Oh and looking at the date, my SO's ring should be shipped this week! So I'll get to take that back with me! Hooray!

Finally, somehow even though I make jack squat every month and living here is super expensive, I have a savings of about $3500! Although when I think about it I've probably spent all that in various locations with my other accounts. Like my trip to Germany was all in my other account, my plane tickets home, all my internet purchases... So maybe in reality I have like $500 savings. But anyways, in the CR account I have $3500! I'm thinking of taking out $2000 and putting into my USA account since it'll make more interest there. But again... mucho despiche. (that also reminds me, I need to put money in my Roth for this year...)

Anyways, I suppose that's it for now.