My SO's ring got sent today! Woo! I'm so excited! It should get to my mom's house on Monday.

This is what it looks like: (in case you don't remember from the past billion times I posted it!)

I haven't looked at it in a long time, and looking at it now I like it all over again. Although it's most important HE likes it. And he does. Here's to hoping it fits! Can't resize titanium, especially with that crazy design on it.

When I go home I'll bring it back to Costa Rica with me. Which got me to thinking-- should I propose to him with the ring? I could do it maybe right when we get home from the airport. He's expecting me to bring back the ring, but not to propose. I wouldn't get down on one knee or anything- that's a man thing. But just give a little speech and give him the ring. What do you guys think?