I woke up at 5:45 this morning to make my SO breakfast before he went to work. He's sick, poor guy I feel bad for him and of course he didn't want to get sick, but it totally ruined our plans for this weekend. Although we've been doing lots of stuff together (parties, concerts, etc), it's been a while since we've done couple things. You know, on our own. No, I don't mean sex. I mean like going somewhere with just him and me. Yesterday we were planning on going to this swanky little bar called "Jazz Cafe" (swanky, right?) I had my outfit all picked out, then he got sick. So we didn't go. We also were going to put up Christmas decorations tomorrow, but probably won't do that after all either. Bummer. Luckily, we'll be celebrating his birthday next Saturday so that'll FINALLY give us a chance to do something couple-ly.

So since I got up early I like to take my mid-morning nap around this time, but I'm thinking too much and can't sleep.

My mom wrote and told me one of my aunts is going to be moving back to the city in Colorado where we're going to get married. So my mom went ahead and told her that my SO and I are getting hitched. My mom says my aunt was all excited and really wanted to help plan. The other day she wrote me on facebook to sort of get an idea about what we wanted to do. I told her that we're not picky and the only thing that really matters to us is getting married on Saturday. You know, cuz I already had the Sharpies made up with that date on them! Otherwise, I wouldn't even really care about the day. I told her we want to have a family dinner that night. That it would be great if we could set up wifi and a laptop during the ceremony to skype with my SO's parents. And that my dad wants to walk me down the aisle.

Well she proceeds to tell me that I definitely need more help planning (thinking she means to hire someone to do planning). Then says she won't be in the town until the same week as the wedding so we can't count on her to plan a lot. Then asks how much money we plan on spending, and goes on to suggest some crazy expensive place to get married. She also wants to do a catering service for the dinner.

Dude. No.

She's just trying to complicate things. The purpose of this fake elopement is so that I didn't have to plan a full out wedding from another country. I know people have done it, but I just don't give enough shit about weddings for me to do it. And what happened to the whole "she can help" deal? All of a sudden I can't count on her for much? Forget it then. We'll be married behind my uncle's shop like planned. Then go eat pancakes. Then go ski all day. Then eat a dinner at a restaurant where everyone will pay for themselves. And that's it. Done deal.

The only things that really need to be planned are: reservations at a restaurant, and someone to marry us. And one of my friends will be around the town and says he'll come to the wedding. So I can always ask him to get ordained online and he can freaking marry us. Look, just as long as we leave Colorado with certified copies of our marriage certificate I couldn't care less about how we got them.

I called to talk to my mom and she completely agrees. She says she'll talk to my aunt today and tell her we want to keep things simple. I mean we're not making a big deal out of it, but we'll still have fun. We'll do lots of family stuff together, take lots of pictures, go nice places, but without all the stress of having to plan shit.


I checked FedEx and my SO's ring is at the FedEx location in my hometown! But they won't ship it to my mom's house until Monday. Even though it got there at 9am on Friday. The bastards. I'm so excited to see it! Still trying to think of a proposal to my SO

And woo I go home in less than two weeks! I was thinking about not bringing my dress home, but meh, I think I'll be glad I did. Then I get the whole "bridal" experience, right? I'll put on my dress and all my crazy accessories and have people tell me I look great and stuff.

Oh and final kinda news-- my technically step-brother (remember my mom and her husband got married like a year ago, so it's hard to think of them as my "step-family") and his wife are going to start trying for a baby!! I'm actually really excited about it. Especially since then my mom will have a ... step-grandchild(?) that she can take care of. Pressure off me!

And finally finally- I just maxed out my Roth IRA for this tax year! I have a nice little stash now. I'm so happy I've started saving for retirement NOW. As soon as we move back to the USA I'm going to have my SO set up a Roth as well.

Finally finally finally- going to the embassy Monday to sign our prenup! This shit is getting real!

Have a good weekend!